Relaxing In Budapest

On the last day aboard, we find it best to schedule a relaxing leaving. It's a good time to say goodbye to new friends and in this case, watch the water rise on the bridge supports.

The lower road, which is where this gangplank rests was about 5 feet above the water. Guess this boat will just have to wait...

Dave bet me to see if I could balance on this rail. Do you see that, Noah? Grandma still has good? balance!

This ancient way of cooking is perhaps how Atilla the Hun ate his steak ... served on a hot stone. Then you cut it up and sear each side to your liking on the hot stone. It worked well for Atilla for a while, and Luelle liked it too. Mozarella & Tomato with Basil and Olive Oil is also a universal favorite in all the countries we passed thru

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